The confusion of the political scene in the country led to the instability of the transitional justice file as a constitutional entitlement as stated in the constitutional document and the amendments that were made to it after the procedures of October 25, 2021 AD, which opened the door wide for the demand for pardon and reconciliation. During the transitional justice conference, it was revealed that there was an agreement with the military component on conditional amnesty for indirect crimes, with the exception of international crimes, in return for ensuring a civil transition, which makes questions multiply regarding which of the two measures is the weight of punishment, or amnesty and reconciliation???
Political interests
Legal and political experts say that these demands aim to achieve political interests within conflicts between the conflicting parties, and they believe that reconciliation is acceptable if it takes place after accountability and the completion of judicial procedures, but any agreement that cancels constitutional rights is completely rejected, and legal Ahmed Yahya said that accountability cannot be abandoned. Whoever violated human rights and granted him amnesty in this simple way, and even reconciled with him, stressing in his interview with African Meters, “the need to achieve the principles of unity and the goals of social peace, in addition to the impunity of any person who has committed crimes against the people, calling for the importance of keeping transitional justice away from political agreements.
Resolve the system
For his part, political analyst Al-Hadi Ahmed believes that the state of instability in the transitional period led to the incompleteness of the tasks of the revolution, the most prominent of which is the transitional justice file. Al-Hadi said in his interview with “African Meters” that the actions of Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan on October 25 prevented the continuation of the democratic transition, and Katheer added Among the outstanding issues will not end if the issue of the fall of the old regime and the transition to democracy is not resolved, in terms of the fact that the matter has to do with the previous regime and what is happening in the political arena, and this greatly harms the path of transitional justice, and he continued, it is necessary to move away from political squabbles to get the country to the right track far from political interests.
The leader of the Communist Party, Kamal Karrar, confirmed that the issue of amnesty and reconciliation is not new and was addressed before the formation of the first transitional government, indicating that it was invented to perpetuate the process of impunity, and told “African Meters” that this demand is one of the axes of the political settlement, which is provocative. Especially to the forces of the revolution, but there is certainly no waiver of the blood of the martyrs, and the street will not accept the non-punishment of any person or entity that participated in the process of human rights violations, and he said with this craft, which is selling the blood of the martyrs, they exposed themselves to the street because the settlement will include the blood that was wasted for the sake of change, pointing out I mean that with amnesty and reconciliation, the National Conference and the remnants will be reproduced, and he added that those who talk about amnesty do not have a mandate from the people to speak on their behalf and conclude agreements pertaining to them.
The term “transitional justice” came out after the outbreak of the December 2018 revolution, and the meaning extended from the general context of justice, including laying the foundations of security and peace in the world, to the role assigned to it in achieving societal justice through accountability according to legal, social, moral and material arrangements, in order to remove the deposits of injustice and absorb anger. due to the delay in achieving it. In light of the fact that the claims of the victims or their families at the beginning of the transitional periods are linked to retribution or compensation as a first stage upon which the evaluation of crimes committed by the former regime or by parties that have not been reached due to the circumstances of the fall of one regime and the establishment of another on its ruins, the aim in this case is to consolidate a general rule. For political, social and economic stability over rights.
A new revolution
A member of the Resistance Committees in Omdurman, Muhammad al-Nur, expressed his astonishment at the talk about amnesty and reconciliation, and told “African Meters,” if the matter was so simple, why did we go out and demonstrate and kill dozens of revolutionaries? Wasn’t it better to conclude such deals with the former regime without any loss of life? He stressed that this matter is unacceptable because it is considered selling the blood of the martyrs at the cheapest price, adding that if an amnesty is agreed upon, the revolution will begin again and demonstrations and processions will take place against this agreement.